Pixel style is a type of graphic design that has its roots in the early days of computer graphics and video games. In the early days of computing, screens had low resolutions and limited color palettes, which meant that graphics had to be created in a pixelated style to be displayed on screen. This style involved breaking images down into small, square pixels and using these pixels to create larger images, often with limited color palettes.

Pixel style graphics are characterized by their use of small, blocky pixels to create images, icons, and illustrations. This style often has a simple, nostalgic aesthetic that is popular in retro video games and other digital media. Pixel art, which is a form of pixel style design, involves creating images pixel by pixel, often with limited color palettes. This process can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, but it can result in highly stylized and unique visuals.

While pixel style graphics were once associated mainly with early video games and computer graphics, in recent years, they have experienced a resurgence in popularity. Designers and artists have embraced the simplicity and unique visual appeal of pixel style, and it is now commonly used in a variety of digital media, including video games, mobile apps, logos, and other design projects.

One of the key benefits of pixel style graphics is their ability to create highly recognizable and iconic images. Because pixel art often involves working with limited colors and small pixel sizes, artists must be creative in their use of shapes and colors to create recognizable images. This has led to the creation of many memorable and enduring characters and designs that are instantly recognizable to fans of retro video games and other forms of digital media.
Overall, pixel style graphics offer a unique and visually appealing aesthetic that is both nostalgic and contemporary. As technology continues to advance and screens become higher resolution, pixel style graphics will likely continue to evolve and adapt, but they will always remain an important part of the history and culture of digital media.